Monday, 6 January 2014

[New Music]: War - P'Harmony [@iampharmony] ft. Mirobed [@mirobedD]

When you hear 'Check!' Then you know who it is. It's P Harmony! David Enyedok aka P Harmony aka “D HipHop Pastor” is the newest rave in the Gospel music industry.
"War" is a reflection on d ups and downs a gospel artiste faces. D criticism, mockery, lack of financial backing and all. 

On the top of the list, d song is inspired from the Bible passage that admonishes believers to "put on the whole armour of God" for we "wrestle not against flesh and blood". It's a reminder to the trials and tribulations a Christian faces and d spiritual battle that ensues. D song is meant to encourage believers and even un-believers alike and remind dem of d victory we have in Christ Jesus.

Culled From Fresh Media

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